Nicholas Carr

The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember

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Nicholas Carr’s 2008 essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” opened a new chapter in our relationship to digital technology. In his book, Carr–who was previously editor of the Harvard Business Review–explores how the internet is changing our very brains: how we think, read and remember. As The Wall Street Journal put it, “We all joke about how the …

NicholasCarr2Nicholas Carr’s 2008 essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” opened a new chapter in our relationship to digital technology. In his book, Carr–who was previously editor of the Harvard Business Review–explores how the internet is changing our very brains: how we think, read and remember. As The Wall Street Journal put it, “We all joke about how the Internet is turning us, and especially our kids, into fast-twitch airheads incapable of profound cogitation. It’s no joke, Mr. Carr insists, and he has me persuaded.”

– Nancy McKinstry, CEO of Wolters Kluwer
– Marleen Stikker, director of Waag Society.



Nicholas Carr’s website


Moderator: Joris Luyendijk

In collaboration with: Maven Publishers, Holland-America Friendship Foundation, American Embassy The Hague, AEGON


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